
Conscious Health & Wellness Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine

manhattan’s acupuncture clinic

The Natural Treatment Option.


Acupuncture is based on natural laws that describe and explain the movement of life’s energy in nature and in the body. This energy is called “Qi,” and it courses through the body in channels or meridians, similar to rivers that flow through the earth. When the Qi in one’s body is adequate and flowing without impediment, good health and wellness is promoted. When the Qi is in excess or deficiency, or flowing improperly, disease and illness can arise. Everyday stresses, improper nutrition and various injuries can disrupt the harmonious flow of Qi. Acupuncture and Herbal medicine helps to correct the flow of Qi in the body to alleviate symptoms and to promote health and wellness.

Acupuncture is recognized by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to be effective in the treatment of many symptoms and disorders. Please see the Benefits page for a full list.

Conscious Manhattan Acupuncture Clinic
Conscious Manhattan Acupuncture Clinic
Conscious Manhattan Acupuncture Clinic

Frequently Asked Questions About Acupuncture Treatments


“Do the needles hurt?”

Acupuncture needles are extremely thin, about the thickness of two of the hairs on your head. The needles are sterile and disposable. Some people feel nothing when a needle is inserted. Others feel a light ache or tingling sensation, which often dissipates within minutes of insertion.

“What can I expect?”

During each treatment you will have the opportunity to discuss your health concerns and goals for treatment. Your initial consultation will be about 2 hours at which Miriam takes a thorough medical and social history and discusses with you a plan for treatment. This also includes an acupuncture treatment. Each additional appointment will be 1 hour and will consist of a consultation and acupuncture treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Acupuncture Treatments


“Do the needles hurt?”

Acupuncture needles are extremely thin, about the thickness of two of the hairs on your head. The needles are sterile and disposable. Some people feel nothing when a needle is inserted. Others feel a light ache or tingling sensation, which often dissipates within minutes of insertion.

“What can I expect?”

During each treatment you will have the opportunity to discuss your health concerns and goals for treatment. Your initial consultation will be about 2 hours at which Miriam takes a thorough medical and social history and discusses with you a plan for treatment. This also includes an acupuncture treatment. Each additional appointment will be 1 hour and will consist of a consultation and acupuncture treatment.

acupuncture treatment modalites

Miriam may include the following modalities in her Acupuncture treatments:




Gua Sha

Tui na massage

Essential oils

Guided imagery

The Conscious blog

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“We are not human beings, we are human becomings.”

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Conscious Health & Wellness Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
Conscious Health & Wellness Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine

© Conscious Health & Wellness