Dear Friends,
My colleague and pediatrician, Dr. Elissa Rubin, MD wrote a great blog post that eloquently describes this period we are in. She refers to us as butterflies still stuck in our gooey, crowded and very uncomfortable cocoons.
This link she shared puts it exactly how it is:

Amen! Keep Going!
“We are not human beings, we are human becomings.”
Friends, this pandemic is not over yet, but personally and globally, we are transforming and becoming something new. This is precisely why it can feel so dark, uncomfortable, lonely and sad- while at the same time you may feel grateful, calm, transformed, curious and unsure who or what we will be on the other side of this. Does the caterpillar know what s/he is to become?
What is also interesting is that caterpillars shed their skin 4-times in life. They change their skin because they grow so fast they do not fit in their original skin! Each time they receive a skin with new texture and color. This is a reminder to us that change (and sometimes, fast and frequent change) is a natural and necessary part of life. One of my teachers, Gedale Fenster so often quotes:
“Change is necessary for growth, and growth is not negotiable.”
We are being pushed to change and grow, and in a place and pace that can feel overwhelming. While this is hard, let us hold on to this marvelous example of the life of a butterfly to help us through. Take time to breathe, and to meditate on where you are in life, and who you want to become.
Now is a fertile time to transform.
I also invite you to view this video by Psychiatrist Dr. Abraham Twerski on what lobsters can teach us about growing through adversity:
Watch the 1.5-minute clip Here.
I didn’t realize this email would contain so much about animals when I set out to write it! ; )
Happy Mother’s Day to you all who “mother”: by loving, giving, nurturing, healing, showing compassion, supporting and sustaining life.
Visit my website for more resources on keeping yourself well and calm right now, as well as information on how Herbal medicine is successfully helping people recover from Covid-19. I do not have information as yet on when I can re-open the office, but I will surely let you know ASAP!
With Blessings of Peace,

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