Dear Patients and Friends,

I hope this finds you well and holding on with strength. We are going through so much right now, and I pray you find many moments of peace and comfort as we move through this extraordinary time.

I’m here to shine some light and report on some recent cases of patients responding very well to herbs in recovery of diagnosed and undiagnosed Covid-19. I am seeing fantastic shifts in people after just 2 days of taking herbs. I am not claiming to treat this disease, but to report on what Chinese Herbal medicine has always done so well for thousands of years: treat the unique manifestation of illness that is presenting in a person, and through treating the person according to their particular constitution and medical history, effectively bring relief of symptoms and often a cure.

Patient A: Called me with symptoms of : Very sore throat, headache, ear pain, congestion and very strong chest pain and shallow breathing for 5 days. After 1.5 days of herbs her ear pain & headache had disappeared, chest pain alleviated by 50% and she was diagnosed with Strep throat. She continues herbs along with antibiotics, and improves daily. She did not test for Covid-19.

Patient B: Called me after being in bed for 1 week with severe exhaustion, sore throat, headache and a dry cough. 2 days into herbs her cough had improved, headache disappeared, and her energy was returning steadily. She did not test for Covid-19 but was exposed at work.

Patient C: Called me after Viral symptoms came and went for 2 weeks. She had congestion, mild cough, chills, fatigue and a sore throat. 1 day into her Herbal regimen she reported feeling strength returning and her head clearing and cough improving.

Patients D, E, & F: 3 women, all mothers, who did not test for Covid-19 but were experiencing sore throat and extreme fatigue for 3-5 days all reported energy returning and throat improved by 1 day into herbs. One of them had diarrhea which also disappeared 1 day on her herbs.

I Share These Cases For a Few Reasons:

  1. To stress the importance of EARLY intervention: When treating any cold or virus, treating it as soon as possible gives us the best chance to eliminate the viral symptoms within a week, thereby preventing a deeper and more serious case. Please reach out at the first sign of infection. Herbs can be mailed to your home next-day mail.
  2. We can start treatment without a diagnosis: You don’t need to be tested for Covid-19 to be treated with Chinese herbs. Before blood tests existed, Chinese herbalists used other factors to accurately diagnose and treat disease. In your Tele-Medicine consultation, I will use your symptoms, temperature, and medical history to determine which herbs will treat your unique manifestation of infection.
  3. Yes! You can take herbs for prevention: All year-round I am prescribing herbs for immune-support for patients who are vulnerable to colds and URI’s. Data out of several Chinese hospitals showed positive statistics for prevention for patients taking immune support and anti-viral herbs. We have these formulas ready to dispense, and they are safe for children over the age of 5.
  4. Herbs work quickly!: Patients feel relief within 2 days of starting herbs. As with the cases above, I am hearing from patients that symptoms such as sore throat, ear pain, headaches, chest tightness, and congestion are all alleviated to a great degree by day 3 of herbs.
  5. Herbs can be taken with Western medication: There is little to no risk with Chinese herbs and so much benefit. They can taken along with most Western medications, but we advise to separate them by 2 hours.

.We have many tools at our disposal- literally hundreds of herbs with anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties that provide relief within 2 days of ingestion! If you are struggling, symptomatic, or know someone who is, please reach out. If you need support with anxiety, insomnia, seasonal allergies, we can address this too.

    How to be in touch for Tele-Medicine Consultations:

    Please call me at 347-878-9619 or email [email protected] to set up your phone/video consultation. I am available to speak 10am-7pm, and later for emergencies.

    It is unclear at this time if insurance will reimburse these video-consults. The cost for a 30-minute consult is $40 + cost of herbs & shipping. Herbal prescriptions run between $60- $70 + tax per bottle. These are customized Herbal blends for the patient’s specific presentation of symptoms. I am available to you on a daily basis for follow-up to monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed.

    I miss you all and look forward to seeing you again in the clinic soon.

    In Peace, Health and Partnership,

    Miriam Pinele

    Please click HERE for my first case on treating Covid-19 with herbs.

    Miriam Pineles is Board certified in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal medicine and Licensed in Acupuncture by the state of NY. Miriam graduated from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York City with a Master’s degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine and has a private practice in midtown NYC. Miriam studies regularly with world-reknown acupuncturist Dr. Richard Tan to give her patients immediate relief of pain and the highest quality Acupuncture treatment. In addition to treating infertility, Miriam treats a variety of women’s health conditions, digestive disorders, physical pain, headaches and anxiety and depression.
    Dr Miriam Pineles Conscious Health & Wellness


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